Archive for the Video Games Category

Black Ops Escalation: Content Pack 2 Announced

Posted in Entertainment, Video Games on April 26, 2011 by Duvi

The new DLC (Downloadable Content) has been announced and is set to be released on May 3rd, an xbox exclusive.  PS3 and PC usually have to wait a month or so.  I’m definitely excited as I have grown bored of the new maps.  If 3 out of the 4 are good, I’ll be happy.  I’m already digging monorail in “Zoo”, the elevators in “Hotel” and the middle building with the operational garage doors in “Stockpile”.   Check out the video and get ready for some fun!

Xbox 360 Games for Sale…

Posted in Entertainment, Video Games on April 23, 2011 by Duvi

I never play them and they just sit here.  So the following games are up for sale.  Give me a fair price and if I like the price, it’s yours.

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
  • Halo: Reach
  • Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
  • Homefront

I paid in between $55-$60 for each title.  If needed, pics of the discs available upon request.  Contact me through email.  iamduvi (g-mail)

Fall… Who Will Be King?

Posted in Entertainment, Video Games on April 23, 2011 by Duvi

Let me start off by saying that my last system was 10 years ago with the ps1 and recently purchased an xbox last fall (October) as I knew the Kinect was coming, but while waiting for it, I decided to play a couple of First Person Shooters (FPS), waiting for the release of the Kinect.  I fell in love as I was a former Counter-Strike, PC gamer.  Playing Modern Warfare 2 & Medal Of Honor were weird because of the controller, but found it to be very entertaining.  I then purchased Call Of Duty: Black Ops and have been addicted ever since.

It’s been 5 months and I have since become a bit bored with Black Ops.   While the game is still fun at times, it’s become very repetitive and now, my thirst for a new FPS has grown quite a bit.  I tried Crysis 2 and while it was fun, I got tired of getting killed by cloaked campers.  I purchased HomeFront as everyone on my friends list recommended it and it seems like everyone stopped playing it a week or two after it was released.  Who is going to save the day?

I plan on trying out Gears of War 3 beta that starts on the 26th for Gears Of War 3 pre-orders.  I also plan to be part of the Battlefield 3 beta as I bought Medal Of Honor when released last year.  You also have Mordern Warfare 3 that is rumored to be coming out in November like Black Ops did last year, no word on any beta.

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 looks extra sexii.  EA recently released a 12 minute trailer, which for the first time in my short console gaming career (yeah it’s a job to be good), has me wanting to play the single player and not only the multiplayer.  It’s said to be using FrostBite 2.0, which EA claims to be ahead of its time.  Let the trailer to be the judge.

Gears Of War 3

Spring 2011 is the time frame that GoW3 was originally set to be released.  Although it has been pushed back to Fall 2011, the beta is still being released in the Spring… but the beta is already released for those lucky enough to win a code or who brought a special edition version of BulletStorm.  The game play looks like it can be fun, but does not seem like it can feed my hunger.  Doesn’t mean it won’t, but I haven’t played any of the GoWs and it will have to win me over with the game play.  Here is the trailer for GoW3.

Modern Warfare 3

Not much is known about this title.  There are rumors of a November release and that not only will Infinity Ward be working on this, but Sledgehammer Games & Raven Software will also be helping to get this game released.  Some theories state that it’s Activation’s way of keeping a watchful eye over Infinity Ward.  Other theories is because of the breakup of most of Infinity Ward’s personnel, that the remaining would need help to get a CoD out this year to compete with BF3 and now GoW3 (with the release date being pushed back).  Some rumors also state that MW3 will use the same engine and mechanics that MW2 used versus Black Ops.  The version that is said to be used is IW 4.0.  I prefer Black Ops over Modern Warfare 2, but who knows how MW3 will be when released.

So the question remains… who kill be crowned King come Fall?  Will you get all 3?  Is there a title that can’t wait for to be released?