Satisfy You by P. Diddy featuring R. Kelly

Posted in Entertainment, Music with tags , , , , , , , on May 26, 2013 by Duvi


Posted in Quote on June 4, 2011 by Duvi

“Trust is so easy to lose, and the hardest thing in the world to get back.  To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.”

You Be Killin’ Em

Posted in Entertainment, Music on May 13, 2011 by Duvi

White Nexus S coming to AT&T via Bestbuy?

Posted in Android, Mobile on May 13, 2011 by Duvi
When the Nexus S was first announced, I found myself falling in love once again like I did with the Nexus One.  The original Nexus One was made by HTC and although it wasn’t a bad device, the screen inaccuracies and unresponsiveness lead me to the Atrix.  While I do love the Atrix, I loved the purity of the Nexus series and with Samsung building the Nexus S, I knew I wanted to get this device once it had AT&T’s 3G bands.  Samsung apparently had a page up showing the carrier as AT&T which has since been removed.  Hopefully this means it will come to AT&T and will be subsidized.

Microsoft buys Skype for 8.5 billion!

Posted in Android, Apps, BlackBerry, iOS, Mobile, Symbian, Windows Phone 7 on May 10, 2011 by Duvi

Yeah that’s right folks… 8.5 billion (not to be confused with it’s little brother million), was the price tag on Skype.  I’d be happy with 1/2 percent of that.  Ha!  What does this mean for all the other platforms in which Skype has a client for?  iOS?  Android?  BlackBerry? Symbian? One thing is for sure, you can expect to have it fully integrated into Microsoft’s phone offering, Windows Phone.

The White iPhone 4 is finally here…

Posted in Uncategorized on April 28, 2011 by Duvi

It’s finally here… I do prefer the white over the black, but it’s been so long, I haven’t even been using my iPhone 4 (in black) enough to even justify the purchase. For those that were holding out or have an upgrade finally coming up, this might just put a smile on your face. If I hadn’t purchased the iPhone 4 and waited this long, I’d probably wait for the next version to be released.

I wonder if there will be long lines for the white version. I guess I’ll stop by the Apple store while I’m in the city tomorrow or the mall around my way when I get back.

A month into the baseball season…

Posted in Entertainment, MLB, Sports on April 27, 2011 by Duvi

It’s been a month into the baseball season and the Yankees currently lead the AL East.  It’s only been a month, but the Yankees were already counted out while Boston was already given the World Series prior to the season starting and yet, the Yankees are a top of the standings in their division with the Rays in second.

The Yankees are already hit the most homeruns to start off the season than any previous Yankee team.  This includes teams with “The Babe” and company who hit bombs for a living… the reason they’re called the bombers now.  Only time will tell, but I’m anxious to see how the standings look come all-star break.  Are you a Yankee fan or hater?

Black Ops Escalation: Content Pack 2 Announced

Posted in Entertainment, Video Games on April 26, 2011 by Duvi

The new DLC (Downloadable Content) has been announced and is set to be released on May 3rd, an xbox exclusive.  PS3 and PC usually have to wait a month or so.  I’m definitely excited as I have grown bored of the new maps.  If 3 out of the 4 are good, I’ll be happy.  I’m already digging monorail in “Zoo”, the elevators in “Hotel” and the middle building with the operational garage doors in “Stockpile”.   Check out the video and get ready for some fun!

So long, farewell…

Posted in Entertainment, NBA, Sports on April 25, 2011 by Duvi

Knick basketball is finally over. Congrats to the C’s for bringing out the broom and sweeping my boys. Congrats to the real fans… the fake ones know what I mean.

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

Xbox 360 Games for Sale…

Posted in Entertainment, Video Games on April 23, 2011 by Duvi

I never play them and they just sit here.  So the following games are up for sale.  Give me a fair price and if I like the price, it’s yours.

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
  • Halo: Reach
  • Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
  • Homefront

I paid in between $55-$60 for each title.  If needed, pics of the discs available upon request.  Contact me through email.  iamduvi (g-mail)